Hi, I'm Adrien Mas
I am a Senior Product Designer.
I use User Research and Product Design methodologies to design great products for innovative companies.
User Research
Knowing your users is extremely important to drive a product’s roadmap efficiently. Gathering that knowledge can be a combination of quantitative (surveys, data analytics...) and qualitative research (users interviews, user testing, field research...)
I can help with all the user research steps to improve your knowledge base about : who your users are, their needs, challenges and expectations towards your product.
Research planning
We first assess together your current user knowledge evel, then I can propose a set of methodology, a target and a planning. We also discuss from the beginning what deliverables would be the most useful for your organization.
Research execution
Depending on who our target users are, I can organize and conduct user interviews, focus groups, field studies, surveys, data analysis. I always try to keep stakeholders informed of important discoveries during the research execution.
Research delivery
I adapt my research report format to your needs and the impact you seek. A good research report can go beyond the delivery meeting, it can be shared among stakeholders and used as support material by product teams.
UX / Product Design
I have 7 years of experience designing interfaces, creating prototypes, and testing them with real users. My developer background helps me to communicate and handoff design specifications to development teams.
Design Iteration
Before pushing design to production, we can go through a few tests and refining iterations. We can use wireframes to validate content hierarchy and navigation and low fidelity mockups to test usability. I also like to include developers as soon as possible in the design process.
Design Delivery
Once the design is ready, its delivery to the rest of the team requires good communication and great deliverables. High fidelity mockups with specifications are a minimum. Adapting the deliverables to the development environment and the team processes can make a real difference. Contribution to the company’s Design System and development QA can follow the delivery phase.